Why More And More People Choose Metal Roof Tile ?

Traditional roof tile VS Metal Roofing Tile

Traditional roof tile has a long time history in China , but because it has a lot of constraints on the building , it is not suitable for the current development needs, now the metal roofing tile to become to the main roofing materials.

Traditional roof tile VS Metal Roofing Tile

Metal roof tiles is a special product. Metal roofing tiles has its own unique features , It is different from other products ,other products Can not afford to touch, it can be done in the transport process of zero loss, rather than fragile,It is a light building materials that can be used in the frequent areas of the earthquake,It 's not cause bodily harm.

Roof Tile , Metal Roofing Tile

Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tile
Metal  roofing tiles has good insulation properties, even in the cold winter indoor heat will not flow to the outside world. Of course, the rain will not seep into it , so the metal roof tile has a stronger livability. Even in the wind and rain when the shape is still able to better maintain the rain will be drawn down the surface of the roof tile, it will not penetrate into the roof tile inside, will not affect the quality of roof tile. Water resistance for the roof tile is particularly important if the tile does not have this performance, it will greatly affect the life of tile.

Project Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tile

Project Stone Coated Metal Roofing Tile
Metal roof tiles can used any slope of the building roof, there is no special requirements on the shape of the building, it is enough for many roof. Because of its superior performance, it has now become a new type of roofing waterproofing materials, It is widely used in the international arena. It has more and more people bring a full range of protection.
Know More : Sangobuild Roofing Tile  

